Sample implementation of the Abstract Factory design pattern
I am going to create a Bank and Account interface and some concrete classes implementing these interfaces. Here, I also create an abstract factory class, AbstractFactory. I have some factory classes, BankFactory and AccountFactory; these classes extend the AbstractFactory class. I will also create a FactoryProducer class to create the factories.
Let's see this design pattern in the following image:

Create a demo class, AbstractFactoryPatternMain; it uses FactoryProducer to get an AbstractFactory object. Here, I pass information such as ICICI, YES to AbstractFactory to get an object of Bank, and I also pass information such as SAVING, CURRENT to AbstractFactory to get an Account type.
Here is the code for Bank.java, which is an interface:
package com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model; public interface Bank { void bankName(); }
Now let's create ICICIBank.java, which implements the Bank interface:
package com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model; public class ICICIBank implements Bank { @Override public void bankName() { System.out.println("ICICI Bank Ltd."); } }
Let's create another YesBank.java, an implementing Bank interface:
package com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model; public class YesBank implements Bank{ @Override public void bankName() { System.out.println("Yes Bank Pvt. Ltd."); } }
In this example, I am using the same interface and implementing classes of Account as I used in the Factory pattern example in this book.
AbstractFactory.java is an abstract class that is used to get factories for Bank and Account objects:
package com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.abstractfactory.pattern; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.Account; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.Bank; public abstract class AbstractFactory { abstract Bank getBank(String bankName); abstract Account getAccount(String accountType); }
BankFactory.java is a factory class extending AbstractFactory to generate an object of the concrete class based on the given information:
package com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.abstractfactory.pattern; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.Account; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.Bank; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.ICICIBank; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.YesBank; public class BankFactory extends AbstractFactory { final String ICICI_BANK = "ICICI"; final String YES_BANK = "YES"; //use getBank method to get object of name bank //It is factory method for object of name bank @Override Bank getBank(String bankName) { if(ICICI_BANK.equalsIgnoreCase(bankName)){ return new ICICIBank(); }
else if(YES_BANK.equalsIgnoreCase(bankName)){ return new YesBank(); } return null; } @Override Account getAccount(String accountType) { return null; } }
AccountFactory.java is a factory class that extends AbstractFactory.java to generate an object of the concrete class based on the given information:
package com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.abstractfactory.pattern; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.Account; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.Bank; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.CurrentAccount; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.SavingAccount; public class AccountFactory extends AbstractFactory { final String CURRENT_ACCOUNT = "CURRENT"; final String SAVING_ACCOUNT = "SAVING"; @Override Bank getBank(String bankName) { return null; } //use getAccount method to get object of type Account //It is factory method for object of type Account @Override public Account getAccount(String accountType){ if(CURRENT_ACCOUNT.equals(accountType)) { return new CurrentAccount(); }
else if(SAVING_ACCOUNT.equals(accountType)){ return new SavingAccount(); } return null; } }
FactoryProducer.java is a class that creates a Factory generator class to get factories by passing a piece of information, such as Bank or Account:
package com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.abstractfactory.pattern; public class FactoryProducer { final static String BANK = "BANK"; final static String ACCOUNT = "ACCOUNT"; public static AbstractFactory getFactory(String factory){ if(BANK.equalsIgnoreCase(factory)){ return new BankFactory(); }
else if(ACCOUNT.equalsIgnoreCase(factory)){ return new AccountFactory(); } return null; } }
FactoryPatterMain.java is a demo class for the Abstract Factory design pattern. FactoryProducer is a class to get AbstractFactory in order to get the factories of concrete classes by passing a piece of information, such as the type:
package com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.factory.pattern; import com.packt.patterninspring.chapter2.model.Account; public class FactoryPatterMain { public static void main(String[] args) { AccountFactory accountFactory = new AccountFactory(); //get an object of SavingAccount and call its accountType()
method. Account savingAccount = accountFactory.getAccount("SAVING"); //call accountType method of SavingAccount savingAccount.accountType(); //get an object of CurrentAccount and call its accountType()
method. Account currentAccount = accountFactory.getAccount("CURRENT"); //call accountType method of CurrentAccount currentAccount.accountType(); } }
You can test this file and see the output on the console:

Now that we've seen the abstract Factory design pattern, let's turn to a different variant of it-the singleton design pattern.