I would like to acknowledge the people who helped me during the writing of this book.
Thank you, Rohit, for editing my writing and providing your insight, guidance, and words of encouragement.
Thank you, John and Wayne, for reviewing this book for technical accuracy. Thank you to all other reviewers who helped improve the quality of this book's content.
Thank you, Mac, for being my wise counsel.
Thank you, Marty, for being my sounding board.
Thank you, Erik, for providing legal counsel regarding the Forgetful Functor.
Thank you all who lifted me up in your prayers during this endeavor.
Thank you, to the one who would say, "Lex Brilliance". That was and still is a great source of inspiration. Words matter.
We are all given talents. Some fear failure and suffer for it; others invest their talents.
This book is dedicated to those who invest in themselves and go on to help others.
"Do or do not. There is no try".
- Yoda