Using transpilers
In order to get out of this availability and compatibility problem, there are a couple of transpilers that you can use. Transpilers take your original ES8 code, and transform it into equivalent JS5 code. (It's a source-to-source transformation, instead of a source-to-object code as in compilation.) You can code using advanced ES8 features, but the user's browsers will receive JS5 code. A transpiler will also let you keep up with upcoming versions of the language, despite the time needed by browsers to adopt new standards across desktop and mobile devices.
If you wonder where did the word transpiler come from, it is a portmanteau of translate and compiler. There are many such combinations in technological speak: email (electronic+mail), emoticon (emotion+icon), malware (malicious+software), or alphanumeric (alphabetic+numeric), and several more.
The most common transpilers for JS are Babel (at https://babeljs.io/) and Traceur (at https://github.com/google/traceur-compiler). With tools such as npm or Webpack, it's fairly easy to configure things so your code will get automatically transpiled and provided to end users. You can also try out transpilation online; see Figure 1.2 for an example using Babel's online environment:

Figure 1.2 - The Babel transpiler converts ES8 code into compatible JS5 code
If you prefer Traceur, use its tool at https://google.github.io/traceur-compiler/demo/repl.html# instead, but you'll have to open a developer console to see the results of your running code. (See Figure 1.3 for this.) Select the EXPERIMENTAL option, to fully enable ES8 support:

Figure 1.3 - The Traceur transpiler is an equally valid alternative for ES8-to-JS5 translation
Using transpilers is also a great way to learn the new JS features. Just type in some code at the left, and see the equivalent result at the right. Alternatively, use command line interface (CLI) tools to transpile a source file, and then inspect the produced output.
There's a final possibility you may want to consider: instead of JS, opt for Microsoft's TypeScript (at http://www.typescriptlang.org/), a superset of JS, compiled to JS5. The main advantage of TypeScript is adding (optional) static type checks to JS, which helps detect some programming errors at compile time. Beware: as with Babel or Traceur, not all of ES8 will be available.
You can also get type checks, without using TypeScript, by using Facebook's Flow (see https://flow.org/).
If you opt to go with TypeScript, you can also test it online at their playground; see http://www.typescriptlang.org/play/. You can set options to be more or less strict with data types checks, and you can also run your code on the spot. See figure 1.4:

Figure 1.4 - TypeScript adds type checking features, for safer JS programming