Unity 2017 Mobile Game Development

Putting it all together

With all of the stuff we've been talking about, we can now have the final version of the script, which looks like the following:

using UnityEngine; 

/// <summary>
/// Responsible for moving the player automatically and
/// reciving input.
/// </summary>

public class PlayerBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// A reference to the Rigidbody component
/// </summary>
private Rigidbody rb;

[Tooltip("How fast the ball moves left/right")]
public float dodgeSpeed = 5;

[Tooltip("How fast the ball moves forwards automatically")]
[Range(0, 10)]
public float rollSpeed = 5;

/// <summary>
/// Use this for initialization
/// </summary>
void Start ()
// Get access to our Rigidbody component
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

/// <summary>
/// Update is called once per frame
/// </summary>
void Update ()
// Check if we're moving to the side
var horizontalSpeed = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") *

// Apply our auto-moving and movement forces
rb.AddForce(horizontalSpeed, 0, rollSpeed);

I hope that you also agree that this makes the code easier to understand and better to work with.