Cacti Beginner's Guide(Second Edition)

Time for action - installing Spine

Here we will take a deep pe into installing and configuring the Spine poller:

  1. As with the Cacti main files, go to and click on Spine under the Download section. Make a note of the latest stable version.
  2. If not already done, create the CACTIVERSION variable and set it to the current Cacti version:
    export CACTIVERSION=1.1.28
  1. Change directories to /tmp/ and issue the following command:
    cd /tmp
  1. Extract the file:
    tar -xzvf cacti-spine-$CACTIVERSION.tar.gz
  1. Change to the newly created directory:
    cd cacti-spine-$CACTIVERSION
  1. Prepare the directory for compilation. Please note that this step may not work on other distributions, and additional steps may be needed:
  1. Configure the compiling environment:
  1. Compile Spine:
  1. Once the make command finishes, install Spine:
    make install
  1. Now change the owner of the spine binary to root and set the sticky bit so you can use ICMP pings:
    chown root:root /usr/local/spine/bin/spine
    chmod +s /usr/local/spine/bin/spine
  1. You now have Spine installed, but it needs to be configured. Therefore, copy the sample configuration file to a location where Spine will find it:
    cp /usr/local/spine/etc/spine.conf.dist /etc/spine.conf
  1. Edit the file in vi:
    vi /etc/spine.conf
  1. Change the database configuration to match the settings from earlier:
  1. Create a symbolic link in /sbin to the spine binary:
    ln -s /usr/local/spine/bin/spine /sbin/spine