Measuring the speed of a program by inserting special code into the program by hand is perfect if you want to measure a very specific part of the code, but becomes cumbersome if you don't know exactly which part of the program you should focus on. In such cases, it is best to use specialized software - profilers.
Profilers can measure all kinds of parameters. Sure, they are mostly used for measuring execution speed, at a method or even on a line level, but they can do much more. They can display the call tree - a graph showing how methods call one another. They can show memory usage in a program so you can quickly find the one method which is constantly eating the memory. They can show you the coverage of your tests so you can see which code was tested and which not. And much more.
They do that magic in two ways, by sampling or instrumentation.
Sampling profiling looks at the state of your program at regular intervals (for example, 100 times per second) and each time checks which line of the code is currently being executed. Statistically, it will predominantly see lines of code that are executed most of the time.
Sampling profiling will give us only a rough overview of behavior inside the program but it will do that without affecting the program speed, and because of that is excellent for taking a first look at some code.
Instrumenting profiles do their magic by changing—instrumenting—the code. They are, in fact, doing almost exactly the same kind of changing the code as we did by inserting the stopwatch calls.
There are two ways to do instrumentation. The profiler can change the source code or it can change the program binary. Source instrumenting profilers are rare because they are less safe to use (there's always the possibility that a compiler will mess up the source) and because you have to recompile the code after it is instrumented (modified by the profiler).
Most of the instrumenting profilers on the market modify the binary code, which is a bit more tricky to implement but doesn't require a recompilation and cannot destroy the source code.
The advantage of instrumentation over sampling is that the former can collect everything that is going on inside the program and not just a few samples here and there. The disadvantage is that instrumentation reduces the speed of the program. Although instrumenting profilers take extra care to optimize the code that is inserted into your program, executing this code in many instrumented methods can still take a long time.
The other problem is the amount of collected data. A short and fast method which is called 100,000 times in 1 second will generate 100,000 data samples in an instrumenting profiler and only 100 samples in a sampling profiler (provided that it samples the code 100 times a second).
Because of all that, instrumenting profilers are best used once we already know on which part(s) of the program we want to focus.
I'll end this chapter with an overview of four profilers, two open source and free (AsmProfiler and Sampling Profiler) and two commercial (AQTime and Nexus Quality Suite), to make it easier for you to choose the best fit for your situation. These four profilers are, of course, not your only options. If you need a very precise profiling of short methods, check out ProDelphi (www.prodelphi.de). And if you need a high-end tool that will not only profile your application but help it optimize to its fullest potential, take a look at Intel's VTune Amplifier (software.intel.com/en-us/intel-vtune-amplifier-xe).