Mapping with ArcGIS Pro

Typographic Principles

Text on maps should never be done casually, but with the deliberate planning of both placement and design. From the eye-catching title blocks of Sanborn Fire Maps and the distinctive fonts of National Geographic to the clean hierarchy of Swiss topographical maps, the role of typography in maps is an important one that can enhance or undermine the value of a map. In this chapter, we will look at the form and function of text on maps, from a brief discussion of the psychology of type and the anatomy of letterforms, to pairing fonts and building map grammar through consistent styling. Finally, we'll walk through translating those design choices into label styles and work with the Maplex Label Engine to quickly and consistently apply labels to our maps.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Using type on maps
  • Understanding letterforms
  • Choosing and pairing fonts
  • Building map grammar
  • Labeling in ArcGIS Pro