Key initiatives that lay your foundation
Laying the foundation for a sound yet practical ITAM program means incorporating some guiding principles that help ensure a positive beginning. These principles apply not only to new initiatives, but also to project restarts that are common in most organizations. These principles are outlined as follows:
- Be sure you obtain executive buy-in and support: Everyone would love to have processes develop organically from the bottom up. However, the harsh reality is that, without buy-in from the executive level, process development becomes little more than functional or leads to departmental turf wars. Participation in the process development initiative must be a requirement, not an option.
- Be sure to obtain peer support: The idea behind ITAM and most other system management processes is to provide benefit to the organization as a whole. Ensuring peers receive this positive message is the best way to short circuit the kingdom building as previously mentioned.
- Appoint an IT asset manager: Someone must become the process champion, as well as assuming managerial responsibility for the tasks and functions associated with the process.
- Create, approve, and implement a strategic ITAM plan: The adage about failing to plan becoming a plan to fail is a truism. Live by it.
- Develop, design, and disseminate your ITAM processes: Be smart about your process, and realistic in what you want to achieve. Don't work alone, and don't keep others out. Mutually beneficial implementations should be shared.
- Acquire or develop effective software for ITAM and discovery tools: Use the best tools you can find and afford, even if that means developing them internally.
- Implement an ongoing quality assurance program: Be clear about your expectations for the ITAM process and monitor them to ensure those expectations are met.