What this book covers
Chapter 1, Why Dependency Injection?, gives you a detailed insight into various concepts, such as Dependency Inversion of Principle (DIP), Inversion of Control (IoC), and Dependency Injection (DI). It also talks about practical use cases where DI is commonly used.
Chapter 2, Dependency Injection in Java 9, gets you acquainted with Java 9 features and its modular framework, and explains how to implement DI using the service loader concept.
Chapter 3, Dependency Injection with Spring, teaches you how to manage dependency injection in the Spring framework. It also describes a different way to implement DI using Spring.
Chapter 4, Dependency Injection with Google Guice, talks about Guice and its dependency mechanism, and it teaches us dependency binding and the various injection methods of the Guice framework.
Chapter 5, Scopes, teaches you about the different scopes defined in the Spring and Guice frameworks.
Chapter 6, Aspect-Oriented Programming and Interceptors, shows the purpose of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), how it solves different design problems by isolating repeated code from applications and plug them dynamically using Spring framework.
Chapter 7, IoC Patterns and Best Practices, gives an overview of various design patterns that can use to achieve IoC. Apart from this, you will be acquainted with best practices and anti-patterns to follow while injecting DI.