UWP build
Now, you can build your game as a separate executable app using the following steps:
- From the main menu bar, navigate to File | Build Settings...
- If the current scene is not already in the Scenes to Build list, press Add Open Scenes
- On the right side of the dialog are options:
- Target Device: PC
- Build Type: D3D
- SDK: Latest Installed (for example, 10.0.16299.0)
- Click on Build and set its name
- I like to keep my builds in a subdirectory named Build; create one if you want to
- Click on Save
Note that the Mixed Reality ToolKit provides shortcuts to these and other settings and services, as shown:
Now open the project in Visual Studio:
- An easy way is to navigate to the Build folder in File Explorer and look for the .sln file for the project (SLN is the Microsoft VS solution file). Double-click it to open the project in Visual Studio.
- Choose the solution configuration: Debug, Master or Release.
- Set the target to x64.
- Press Play Local Machine to build the solution.
For more information on Unity support for Windows Mixed Reality, see https://github.com/Microsoft/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity, including the link to the Getting Started page.