To my father, Mr. Srinivas Achar, and to his memory, a letter I couldn't write or the words I couldn't acknowledge when he was around me and looking after me. He was an ordinary bus driver who thrived through the holy book of Bhagavad Gita. He was a great fan of Kannada literature. I remember every story my father used to tell us. He never clipped my wings; he taught me to be a unique and constructive person. I may not be able to describe in any number of pages how humble and awesome a father I had.
My father was suffering from chronic illness. I could see my mother praying every day for his health. We tried everything from expensive hospitals to strangers' advice of visiting temples. At the beginning of this book, my father was so excited, and he blessed and wished me to accomplish the book successfully. A few days after, we visited the temple far from home, and he unfortunately took his last breath in the temple's premises.
My father always used tell me to be a lifetime learner, because "The best cannot happen through luck, it needs years of hard work and dedication". I will continue to be the best I can and will be a lifetime learner.
Though he may not be with me physically, all his ideologies that feed the hunger—work hard, be the best you can, and more—will continue through me and through all my work.
—— Ashok Kumar Srinivas