Node setup
Create a new scene and add a node named Main. To add the player to the scene, click the Instance button and select your saved Player.tscn:

Now, add the following nodes as children of Main, naming them as follows:
- TextureRect (named Background)—for the background image
- Node (named CoinContainer)—to hold all the coins
- Position2D (named PlayerStart)—to mark the starting position of the Player
- Timer (named GameTimer)—to track the time limit
Make sure Background is the first child node. Nodes are drawn in the order shown, so the background will be behind the player in this case. Add an image to the Background node by dragging the grass.jpg image from the assets folder into the Texture property. Change the Stretch Mode to Tile and then click Layout | Full Rect to size the frame to the size of the screen, as shown in the following screenshot:

Set the Position of the PlayerStart node to (240, 350).
Your scene layout should look like this: