Professional Scala

Obtaining the Time Request from Our Chatbot Program

For now, let's return to our task: modifying the chatbot program so that it replies with the current time, as requested by the use of time. Let's learn how to do this:

Steps for C ompletion

  1. Check for time to match the statement:
    case "time" =>
  2. Retrieve the current time using the Java API. Use the now method of java.time.LocalTime:
  3. Display the output of the time using string interpolators, as follows:
    println("time is ${}")

The main method will look like this:

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val name = StdIn.readLine("Hi! What is your name?")
println(s" $name, tell me something interesting, say 'bay' to end the talk")
var timeToBye = false
while (!timeToBye)timeToBye = StdIn.readLine(">") 
match {case "bye" => println("ok, bye")truecase "time" => 
println(s"time is ${}")truecase _ => 

After we prepare and package our artifacts, we need to run them as well.

In this book, we will use the running system from unpackaged sources via sbt (as in the early days of Ruby applications), assuming that sources and sbt tools are accessible from the production environment. Using this, we can use build tool commands for sources such as sbt run. In real life, packaging for production is a bit more complex.

Popular methods for doing this are as follows:

  • Preparing a fat jar (which includes all dependencies). An sbt plugin for this exists, which can be found at the following link:
  • Preparing a native system package (which includes jars, dependencies, custom layouts, and so on). There is also an sbt plugin to create native system packages, which can be found at the following link: