Benefits of business-object pattern usage
Here is a summary of the benefits of the business-object pattern:
- BOs are responsible for managing their business rules and persistence. This leads to a more reusable code. Clients access BOs that are fully responsible for the behavior of the application. In our example, ProfessorBO can be called from several points. As well as being reusable, there is a uniformity of behavior. As a consequence, another benefit is faster and more efficient maintenance.
- BOs are responsible for separating the business logic from the rest of the application, which increases the cohesion of the code (separation of responsibilities).
- BOs help separate business logic from data persistence.
The following is the class diagram for the business-object pattern:

For more complex applications, we typically have a Session Fa?ade that represents a set of related use cases. As we have already seen, the Session Fa?ade offers high-level methods for clients. For its part, the Session Fa?ade can manage and combine BOs that act as real agents or representatives of real-world objects.
The following is the Business Object sequence diagram: