How to do it...
- In the Python interpreter, make the following imports. Remember to activate your virtualenv, as described in the Creating a virtual environment recipe:
>>> import delorean
>>> from decimal import Decimal
- Enter the log to parse:
>>> log = '[2018-05-05T11:07:12.267897] - SALE - PRODUCT: 1345 - PRICE: $09.99'
- Split the log into its parts, which are divided by - (note the space before and after the dash). We ignore the SALE part as it doesn't add any relevant information:
>>> divide_it = log.split(' - ')
>>> timestamp_string, _, product_string, price_string = divide_it
- Parse the timestamp into a datetime object:
>>> timestamp = delorean.parse(tmp_string.strip('[]'))
- Parse the product_id into a integer:
>>> product_id = int(product_string.split(':')[-1])
- Parse the price into a Decimal type:
>>> price = Decimal(price_string.split('$')[-1])
- Now, you have all the values in native Python formats:
>>timestamp, product_id, price
(Delorean(datetime=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 5, 11, 7, 12, 267897), timezone='UTC'), 1345, Decimal('9.99'))