Ansible Quick Start Guide

The hostname module

This is another simple module that does the simple job of changing a hostname. To make this module more exciting, we will use some of the playbook features with it. This module takes one input, the new hostname, and changes the hostname of the remote host. We can use the playbook predefined variable, {{ inventory_hostname }}. This variable calls the hostname for the Ansible inventory and uses it with the playbook.

First, we need to change the inventory file to look as follows:

server0 ansible_host=
server1 ansible_host=
server2 ansible_host=

Then, we use the following playbook:

    - name: change hostname
name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

After executing the playbook, you can simply test it out using an ad hoc Ansible command:

ansible -m shell -a hostname servers

The result should look as follows: