What about Watson?
Back to our menu icon. If you scroll down, you can click on Watson, which will send you to the IBM Watson main page, shown as follows:

The format of this page is similar in format to the IBM Cloud console main page, as there are helpful Get Started panels (sometimes called tiles) offering options across the top part of the page. These are links to Starter Kits, and beneath these most popular kits (Build a chatbot, Extract insights, and Convert audio into text) are the links to View all Starter Kits and Browse all Watson services.
If you scroll further down the page, you will find access to Watson Studio, as well other useful links such as SDKs, The Watson Blog, GitHub, and so on.
Accessing the IBM Watson platform through the IBM Cloud platform is the approach you will use for building advanced apps using Watson services, APIs, and SDKs, but you can use Watson Analytics for advanced projects by accessing the Watson Analytics interface directly.
You can find this Watson entry point at: https://watson.analytics.ibmcloud.com (and access it with your same valid IBM user ID).