Frontend developer
When thinking of a blockchain, you might not relate to it immediately because it feels more like a backend system for distributing data. An evolved blockchain platform can do so much more, for example, running a decentralized web application. Instead of your web application running on a central server with APIs querying a centralized database, it also runs on the blockchain. Your web application is distributed to all nodes in the network and this makes it easily available to local markets, which brings with it low-latency speeds. Whereas, with a traditional web application, you would use REST APIs to authenticate, obtain authorization of data, and query and submit data, a decentralized application receives permission from the user to access their data. Your application still uses lightweight REST APIs, but they run in the same application container as the web application since they run on the same blockchain. What you have to remember is that you don't have to deal with the privacy and security of the data any longer, since the user gives you the permission to do so. If they choose not to do so, they might not be able to (partially) use you web application. As a frontend developer, you need to deal with this fact and understand the implications.