Installing Vagrant on Ubuntu 16.04
It's time to install Vagrant:
- Visit the official Vagrant website, https://www.vagrantup.com/. The best way would be to use your system's internet browser, such as Firefox.
- We will stick with the most current version of Vagrant. Click on the Download 2.0.4 link or the Download link in the top navigation menu. You should see the downloads page.
- As we are using Ubuntu, which is Debian-based, we will focus on that package. Using our knowledge from earlier, we know to choose the 64-bit download option.
- When you click on the link, your system should prompt you to download the software. I have selected the Open with Software Install (default) option as this will download the software and automatically start the installer.
- Click on the Install button to get started.
- You will be asked to enter your password to start the installation. Enter your password and click the Authenticate button.
- When Vagrant has been installed, you should notice that the Install button has now changed into a Remove button. If you wish to delete Vagrant, you can use this option:

You can also run the vagrant -v command in the Ubuntu Terminal. If Vagrant has been successfully installed, you should see some output. You can see that my system's version is Vagrant 2.0.4.