Feels like a right fit for a variety of projects
One of the strengths of Vue is the possibility of incremental implementation. If you would just like to make a quick, simple experiment in Vue, no problems. You can start with Vue in under a minute, literally.
This makes it great for converting legacy projects, building projects from scratch, or for simple experiments.
Vue is also maturing quickly. There is a vibrant Vue community and a lot of developers are working on it continuously. For example, one of the arguments for people to choose React over Vue was the lack of a framework to build native mobile apps in Vue. That's no longer the case: Vue Native is available as of June 2018. You can check it out at https://github.com/GeekyAnts/vue-native-core, or find out more about it at https://vue-native.io/.
With all of this in mind, there are plenty of reasons why learning Vue is a nice return on investment for anyone, especially frontend developers.