The ternary operator
One last thing I would like to show you, before moving on to the next subject, is the ternary operator or, in layman's terms, the short version of an if/else clause. When the value of a name is to be assigned according to some condition, sometimes it's easier and more readable to use the ternary operator instead of a proper if clause. In the following example, the two code blocks do exactly the same thing:
# ternary.py
order_total = 247 # GBP # classic if/else form if order_total > 100: discount = 25 # GBP else: discount = 0 # GBP print(order_total, discount) # ternary operator discount = 25 if order_total > 100 else 0 print(order_total, discount)
For simple cases like this, I find it very nice to be able to express that logic in one line instead of four. Remember, as a coder, you spend much more time reading code than writing it, so Python's conciseness is invaluable.
Are you clear on how the ternary operator works? Basically, name = something if condition else something-else. So name is assigned something if condition evaluates to True, and something-else if condition evaluates to False.
Now that you know everything about controlling the path of the code, let's move on to the next subject: looping.