Horizon Connection Server recovery
The process to restore a Horizon Connection Server varies based on the scenario that necessitated the restore.
If you are restoring all of your Horizon Connection Servers from scratch, the Horizon Composer database will need to be restored as part of the recovery process as its contents are tied to those of the Horizon AD LDS database. Refer to the Restoring the Horizon Composer database section in Chapter 3, Implementing Horizon Composer, for additional information about restoring the Composer database.
In situations where it is required to restore multiple Horizon-related databases at once, you should use backups that were taken as closely together as possible when performing the restore. Ideally, backup plans for all Horizon components should coincide as closely as possible to ensure that the data shared between them is consistent. The further apart the backups are taken, the less likely it is that the contents will match when a restore is required. This could lead to issues that require the assistance of VMware Support as items within one or more of the databases may need to be removed or edited.