Traditional wisdom and basic guidelines
When I started with programming (a long time ago), the pieces of advice about performance optimization traditionally given to a newbie were the following:
- Don't do it (yet)
- Premature optimization is the root of all evil
- First make it run, then make it right, then make it fast
The first advice contained the yet only in its variant for the experts; the second was (and still is) normally misquoted, leaving out the "in say 97% of the cases" part, and the third quote gives you the impression that merely writing a program is already so difficult that fretting about performance is a luxury. It's no wonder then that the normal approach to performance was to fix it later!
But all of the adages nonetheless highlight an important insight—performance isn't distributed evenly through your code. The 80-20, or maybe even the 90-10 rule, applies here, because there are some hotspots where extreme care is needed, but we shouldn't try to optimize every nook and cranny in our code. So, our first guideline will be premature optimization—we should forget about it in, say, 95% of cases.
But what exactly are the 20%, 10%, or 5% of code where we shouldn't forget about it? Another old-age programming wisdom states this—programmers are notoriously bad at guessing performance bottlenecks.
So, we shouldn't try to predict the tight spot and measure the performance of a ready program instead. This does sound a lot like the fix it later cowboy coder's approach. Well, this book takes the stance that though premature optimization should be avoided, nonetheless, premature pessimization should be avoided at all costs, as it's even worse! However, avoiding premature pessimizations requires much detailed knowledge about which language constructs, which framework use cases, and which architectural decisions come with what kind of performance price tags. This book will try to provide this knowledge in the context of the Qt framework.
But, first, let's talk about quite general principles that address the question of what should be avoided, lest the performance degrades. As I see it, we can distill from the traditional performance wisdom from the following basic common-sense advice:
- Don't do the same thing twice.
- Don't do slow things often.
- Don't copy data unnecessarily.
You'll agree that all that can't be good for performance? So, let's discuss these three simple but fundamental insights in some more detail.