Application architecture
Since its initial release in 2015, GraphQL has become the new alternative to the standard SOAP and REST APIs. GraphQL is a specification, like SOAP and REST, that you can follow to structure your application and data flow. It is so innovative because it allows you to query specific fields of entities, such as users and posts. This functionality makes it very good for targeting multiple platforms at the same time. Mobile apps may not need all of the data displayed inside the browser on a desktop computer. The query you send consists of a JSON-like object defining which information your platform requires. For example, a query for a post may look like this:
post {
user {
GraphQL resolves the correct entities and data as specified in your query object. Every field in GraphQL represents a function that resolves to a value. Those functions are called Resolver functions. The return value could be just the corresponding database value, such as the name of a user, or it could be a date, which is formatted by your server before returning it.
GraphQL is completely database agnostic and can be implemented in any programming language.
To skip the step of implementing our own GraphQL library, we are going to use Apollo, which is a GraphQL server for the Node.js ecosystem. Thanks to the team behind Apollo, this is very modular. Apollo works with many of the common Node.js frameworks, such as Hapi, Koa, and Express.js.
We are going to use Express.js as our basis because it is used on a wide scale in the Node.js and GraphQL community.
GraphQL can be used with multiple database systems and distributed systems to offer a straightforward API over all your services. It allows developers to unify existing systems and handle data fetching for client applications.
How you combine your databases, external systems, and other services in one server back end is up to you.
In this book, we are going to use a MySQL server via Sequelize as our data storage.
SQL is the most well-known and commonly used database query language, and with Sequelize we have a modern client library for our Node.js server to connect with our SQL server.
HTTP is the standard protocol to access a GraphQL API. It also applies to Apollo Servers. GraphQL is not fixed to one network protocol, however.
We will build the front end of our Graphbook application with React. React is a JavaScript UI framework released by Facebook, which has introduced many techniques that are now commonly used for building interfaces on the web as well as on native environments.
Using React comes with a bunch of significant advantages. When building a React application, you always split your code into many components, targeting their efficiency and ability to be reused. Of course, you can do this without using React, but it makes it very easy. Furthermore, React teaches you how to update application states as well as the UI reactively. You never update the UI and then the data separately.
React makes rerendering very efficient by using a virtual DOM, which compares the virtual and actual DOM and updates it accordingly. Only when there is a difference between the virtual and real DOM does React apply these changes. This logic stops the browser from recalculating layout, Cascading Style Sheets, and other computations that negatively impact the overall performance of your application.
Throughout this book, we are going to use the Apollo client library. It naturally integrates with React and our Apollo Server.
If we put all this together, the result is the main stack consisting of Node.js, Express.js, Apollo, SQL, Sequelize, and React.