Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor is a one-stop place for monitoring Azure resources. It provides information about Azure resources and their state. It provides a rich query interface, using which information can be sliced and diced using data at the levels of subscription, resource group, individual resource, resource type.
Azure Monitor can be used through Azure Portal, PowerShell, CLI, and REST API.

The following logs are those provided by Azure Monitor:
- Activity log: This provides all management-level operations performed on resources. It provides details about the creation time, creator, resource type, and status.
- Operation log (classic): This provides details of all operations performed on resources within a resource group and subscription.
- Metrics: This gets performance information for individual resources and sets alerts on them.
- Diagnostic settings: This helps us configure the effects logs by setting up Azure Storage for storing logs, streaming logs in real time to Azure Event Hubs, and sending them to Log Analytics.
- Log search: This helps integrate Logs Analytics with Azure Monitor.
Azure Monitor can help identify security-related incidents and take appropriate actions. It is important that only authorized individuals should be allowed to access Azure Monitor, since it might contain sensitive information.