In this chapter, we discussed software quality assurance in detail. Let's summarize the important points—a quality product refers to products that meet customer requirements. The ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality model enumerates 13 characteristics that help us to assess the quality of products. Producing quality products requires a combination of complementary skills and roles as part of the product-development team. Scope, time, cost, and quality are intertwined, and hence a balance between them is essential when developing a product that caters to an organization's capabilities as well as customer satisfaction. A test-to-break attitude is necessary for a tester to be successful in their career. We looked at the thought process a tester needs to bring to the table to be proficient at the job. A quality management system addresses the processes to be followed to develop quality products. We discussed ISO 9001:2015 and CMMI v2.0 in detail. We looked at the five stages of the SDLC and learned how the STLC fits into the picture. We discussed the seven types of testing that a tester can utilize when planning tests based on customer and product needs. In the final section, we learned about how test data and artifacts are prepared, managed, retained, and shared for effective test management.
In the next chapter, we will look at project organization in Jira and explore the Zephyr, Test Management, and synapseRT plugins, which will be used to implement test management in Jira.