In this chapter, we covered the fundamental concepts of cloud-native systems. Our definition of cloud-native is focused on your context. You need an architecture that will grow with you and not weigh you down now. Cloud-native is more than architecting and optimizing to take advantage of the cloud. It is an entirely different way of thinking and reasoning about software architecture and development practices. Cloud-native breaks free of monolithic thinking to empower self-sufficient teams that continuously deliver innovation with confidence. This confidence is derived from the knowledge that cloud-native systems are powered by disposable infrastructure, composed of bounded isolated components, and scale globally, so that they remain responsive in the face of failures. Cloud-native teams embrace disposable architecture, leverage value-added cloud services, and welcome polyglot cloud to provide the strong foundation that enables them to take control of the full-stack, focus on the value proposition, and drive cultural change from the bottom up by earning trust through successful execution.