How it works...
Since the inception of Active Directory, when an object such as a computer or a user is deleted, the isDeleted attribute is set to true. This allows the domain controller to replicate the change for the object. Each domain controller has the time configured as the tombstone lifetime period to replicate this change. Only after the tombstone lifetime period is the object removed from the database by each domain controller.
The Active Directory Recycle Bin introduces a new recycle lifetime and a new attribute: isRecycled. With the Active Directory Recycle Bin enabled, when an object is deleted it's isDeleted attribute is still set to true, but it's isRecycled attribute is untouched. This is the period where the object is visible in the deleted objects container, where it can be restored by simply right-clicking on it. After the recycle lifetime has expired, the isRecycled attribute is also set to true. This is when the tombstone lifetime kicks in. Only after the tombstone lifetime period has expired the object is removed from the database by each domain controller.