Packaging and deploying microservices
When you employ a microservice-based architecture, you'll have lots of microservices. Those microservices, in general, may be developed independently, and deployed independently. The packaging mechanism is simply containers. Every microservice you develop will have a Dockerfile. The resulting image represents the deployment unit for that microservice. In Kubernetes, your microservice image will run inside a pod (possibly alongside other containers). But an isolated pod, running on a node, is not very resilient. The kubelet on the node will restart the pod's container if it crashes, but if something happens to the node itself, the pod is gone. Kubernetes has abstractions and resources that build on the pod.
ReplicaSets are sets of pods with a certain number of replicas. When you create a ReplicaSet, Kubernetes will make sure that the correct number of pods you specify always run in the cluster. The deployment resource takes it a step further and provides an abstraction that exactly aligns with the way you consider and think about microservices. When you have a new version of a microservice ready, you will want to deploy it. Here is a Kubernetes deployment manifest:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
app: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.15.4
- containerPort: 80
The file can be found at https://github.com/the-gigi/hands-on-microservices-with-kubernetes-code/blob/master/ch1/nginx-deployment.yaml.
This is a YAML file (https://yaml.org/) that has some fields that are common to all Kubernetes resources, and some fields that are specific to deployments. Let's break this down piece by piece. Almost everything you learn here will apply to other resources:
- The apiVersion field marks the Kubernetes resources version. A specific version of the Kubernetes API server (for example, V1.13.0) can work with different versions of different resources. Resource versions have two parts: an API group (in this case, apps) and a version number (v1). The version number may include alpha or beta designations:
apiVersion: apps/v1
- The kind field specifies what resource or API object we are dealing with. You will meet many kinds of resources in this chapter and later:
kind: Deployment
- The metadata section contains the name of the resource (nginx) and a set of labels, which are just key-value string pairs. The name is used to refer to this particular resource. The labels allow for operating on a set of resources that share the same label. Labels are very useful and flexible. In this case, there is just one label (app: nginx):
name: nginx
app: nginx
- Next, we have a spec field. This is a ReplicaSet spec. You could create a ReplicaSet directly, but it would be static. The whole purpose of deployments is to manage its set of replicas. What's in a ReplicaSet spec? Obviously, it contains the number of replicas (3). It has a selector with a set of matchLabels (also app: nginx), and it has a pod template. The ReplicaSet will manage pods that have labels that match matchLabels:
replicas: 3
app: nginx
- Let's have a look at the pod template. The template has two parts: metadata and a spec. The metadata is where you specify the labels. The spec describes the containers in the pod. There may be one or more containers in a pod. In this case, there is just one container. The key field for a container is the image (often a Docker image), where you packaged your microservice. That's the code we want to run. There is also a name (nginx) and a set of ports:
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.15.4
- containerPort: 80
There are more fields that are optional. If you want to dive in deeper, check out the API reference for the deployment resource at https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.13/#deployment-v1-apps.