In this chapter, we provided an overview of serverless frameworks by discussing the differences between the serverless products of cloud providers. Following that, one container-native and one cloud-native serverless framework were discussed in depth. Firstly, the Fn framework was discussed, which is an open source, container-native, and cloud-agnostic platform. Secondly, the Serverless Framework was presented, which is a more cloud-focused and comprehensive framework. Furthermore, both frameworks were installed and configured locally. Serverless applications were created, deployed, and run in both serverless frameworks. The functions were invoked with the capabilities of serverless frameworks, and the necessary metrics checked for further analysis. At the end of this chapter, a real-life, daily weather Slack bot was implemented as a cloud-agnostic, explicitly defined application using serverless frameworks. Serverless frameworks are essential for the serverless development world with their cloud-agnostic and developer-friendly characteristics.