Using the built-in option
The Metasploit web interface provides us with some built-in options/modules that we can use to perform enumeration on the target system. Follow these steps to use the built-in option to perform enumeration:
- To use the built-in option, click on the Scan button from the project dashboard, as shown in the following screenshot:
- On the next page, we enter the IP address(es) we want to scan. We also define advanced options for the scan, such as what ports to exclude and a custom range:
- You can set some extended features of the scan by clicking on the Show Advanced Options button:
- Once everything has been set, you can click the Launch Scan button. The tool will launch an Nmap scan in the background with your specified options, as shown in the following screenshot:
- You can view the hosts by clicking on the Project menu -> [WORKSPACE] -> Hosts:
As shown in the following screenshot, the scanned host was added to the Hosts list:
- To view the services running on the scanned host, you can either click on the host shown in the previous step or you can open Project menu -> [WORKSPACE] -> Services:
In both cases, you'll be able to see the services running on the scanned host. However, it is not recommended that you perform a scan via the web interface as it uses Nmap version 4, which is quite old.