第1章 作者简介
李先生出生在北京﹐長於甘肃。李先生雕開中國深造前曾是渤海油田石油工人﹐亚曾任英文《中國日報》的编辑起者。在美國完成法律博士學位後﹐李先生曾在紐約的達維(Davis Polk & Ward-well)與布朗伍德(Brown & Wood)律師事務所執業。加盟香港交易所前﹐李先生舄摩根大通中區主席﹔此前舄美林證券中阈區總裁。
Charles Li
Chief Executive
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Charles Li has served as Chief Executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) since 2010. ifin tns rre mic Li has orchestrated some of the most signiIcanisuratetgeinitiatives in HKEx's history,including the acquisionomu ieLondon Metal Exchange in 2012, the launch or ocelearr2013,and the introduction of Shanghai-Hong Kong stoCKConnect in 2014,Shenzhen-Hong Kong StocKconnetlr2016,and Bond Connect in 2017.He has sought to strenginenHong Kong's role as an offshore HenminDi nub ianueuHKEX's efforts to reform its listing regime to maintain Hong Kong's competitiveness and secure its position as a leadingIPo centre.
Mr. Li was born in Beijing and grew up in Gansu. Betoreleaving China for further study,Mr. Li was an onsnore fonworker in the North China Sea and then an editor-reporter for China Daily. After completing his Juris Doctor (u)degee .the US,Mr. Li practiced law in New York with Davis Polk & Wardwell and Brown & Wood. Before joining HKEx,.ne wasthe Chairman of JP Morgan China, prior to wn Iicn ne was "ePresident of Merrill Lynch China.
Mr. Li obtained a BA degree in English literature fromXiamen University in 1984,an MA degree in journalism from the University of Alabama in 1988,and a JD degree fromColumbia University School of Law in 1991.