Unit 5 Safety Emergency Service安全应急服务
● Lost Articles and Certificates
● Emergency Disease Management
● Face to the Fire
● Solving equipment problem
● Guidance and Command
Section 1 Warm-up
Discuss the following questions in pairs or in small groups and tell your partner.
(1)Have you any experience of losing valuables?
(2)What should you do when someone has a sudden illness?
(3)What should you do when a fire breaks out?
Section 2 Dialogues
Dialogue 1 At the Lost and Found Office
A:Good morning,sir,lost and found department,can I help you?

B:Good morning,Miss. I'm anxious because I have lost my suitcase this morning,
A:I'm sorry to hear that,but can you tell me when and where you left your suitcase?
B:I still had it when I checked in and I just couldn't remember where I misplaced it.
A:Can you describe it,please?
B:Sure,it is brown,medium size suitcase on wheels.
A:I'm afraid we've got nothing like that,sorry.
B:Oh,I made a mistake. I carried the black one today. And there is a red ribbon on it.
A:A ribbon?
A:Please wait a moment,sir.Let me see.We do have a black suitcase.Do you have the key?
(The guest hands over the key,and the clerk opens the suitcase.)
A:Can you tell me the contents of the suitcase?
B:A camera,a suit and a PC(personal computer).
A:Yes,I think the suitcase belongs to you.Could you check the contents,sir?
B:Sure,no problem.
(The clerk takes out a notebook.)
A:Before you leave,may I have your signature here,please?
B:OK,thank you for you help.
A:You're welcome,enjoy your life.
Words and Expressions
suitcase [ˈsuːtkeɪs]n.手提箱;衣箱
describe [dɪˈskraɪb]v.描述,形容;描绘
ribbon [ˈrɪbən]n.丝带;缎带
belong to属于
Dialogue 2 Found a Wallet
A:Good morning,sir,lost and found department,what can I do for you?

B:Good morning,Miss.I just found a wallet.
(The guest gives the wallet to the clerk.)
A:Can you tell me where you picked up the wallet?
B:In the restaurant.After I had my breakfast,I was going to go back to my room,I found a wallet on the chair next to me.
A:OK,can you tell me when you found the wallet?
B:Around 8:20.
A:Thank you,sir,can you fill out this form,please?And before you leave,please sign your name here.
A:Thank you for your cooperation,enjoy your day.
Words and Expressions
sign [saɪn]v.签署;签名
pick up捡到,拾到
fill out填写
Dialogue 3 Heart Attack
Lucy and her husband are staying in hotel,suddenly,her husband has a heart attack.

A:Hello,hotel front desk service center,can I help you?
B:Help!Please send an ambulance fast!My husband is having a heart attack.
A:Please tell me your room number.I'll come right now.
B:My room number is 803,can you come quickly?I don't know what to do!
A:The ambulance will be there soon,keep the patient in place,don't let him move.Are you close to him right now?
B:Yes,he's right here by me.
A:Is he breathing?
B:Yes,he's breathing,but he's not conscious!Oh,please hurry!
A:Don't worry,I'll be there as soon as possible.
Words and Expressions
emergency [ɪˈmзːdʒənsi]n.紧急情况;突发事件
medical [ˈmedɪkl]adj.医学的;药的
ambulance [ˈæmbjələns]n.救护车
breathe [briːð]v.呼吸;喘息
conscious [ˈkɒnʃəs]adj.意识到的;神志清醒的
have a heart attack心脏病发作
slow down放缓,放慢速度
be close to接近于……
Dialogue 4 Face to the Fire
A:Good morning,Miss,Vienna International Hotel service center, what can I do for you?

B:Help!Help!It's a fire.
A:Can you give me more details?May I have your room number?
B:My room number is 802.
A:Could you tell me the cause of the fire?
B:I don't know,I was sleeping,but I was woken up by smoke.Please help me,what should I do?
A:First,feel the door with the back of your hand.Don't open the door without first feeling it.The back of your hand is very sensitive to heat,and by using it you also won't risk burning your palm or fingertips.If the door or doorknob is hot,the fire is probably right outside.If that's the case,don't open the door.
B:It's not hot.
A:Then,you can open the door.Stay in your room if the fire is in the hall blocking the exits,or if the hall is filled with heavy smoke.
B:The smoke is thick. I can't leave!
A:I got it,how about the room?Is there a lot of smoke in the room?
B:Yes,I can't breathe.
A:Please open the windows and turn on the bathroom vent if available.And then place wet towels at the bottom of the door and around any other cracks around the doorway.The wet towels will help keep smoke out of the room.Next,fill the bathtub with water.Use an ice bucket, trashcan,or suitcase to throw water onto the door or any other hot surface or spot fire in the room.Finally,create a mask by wetting a towel or article of clothing and tying it around your nose and mouth.Remember,smoke inhalation is deadly and most fire fatalities are caused by smoke or toxic gas inhalation.Do all you can to minimize the amount of smoke you're exposed to.Don't worry.I'll call 911 immediately,please do as what I said.
B:Okay,please hurry!
Words and Expressions
cause [kɔːz]n.原因
sensitive [ˈsensətɪv]adj.敏感的
risk [rɪsk]n.风险
burn [bзːn]v.燃烧
thick [θɪk]adj.厚的
inhalation [ɪnhəˈleɪʃn]n.吸入
minimize [ˈmɪnɪmaɪz]v.最小化
wake up醒来
be exposed to与……接触
Dialogue 5 Solving Equipment Problem
A:Good morning,sir,housekeeping,can I help you?
B:Good morning.I'm afraid there's something wrong with the TV. The picture is wobbly. And I can't connect to your Wi-Fi signal.

A:I'm sorry. May I have a look at it?
A:(The clerk tries to fix it,but in vain.)I'll send for an electrician from the maintenance department. We can have it repaired.Please wait just a few minutes,sir. In terms of the Wi-Fi,please open the WLAN and search the Wi-Fi signal of the hotel.Every floor of the hotel has wireless signal coverage.
B:Okay,I opened it,but I can't search the Wi-Fi signal of your hotel.
A:Please refresh it and research.
B:Yes,I find it,but how can I connect to it?
A:After finding the strongest wireless signal,click on the signal and wait for the connected state to be displayed under the signal.
B:And then?
A:After connecting the wireless signal,it is necessary to authenticate on-line.Before authenticating,no web page,WeChat,QQ and other online software can be used normally.
B:It's too complex.
A:I'm sorry.If you excuse me,I can do that for you.
B:Yes,here you are.
A:OK,your phone is already connected to Wi-Fi.
B:Thank you.
A:My pleasure.And I'll send for an electrician from the maintenance department. Please wait just a few minutes,sir.
(The clerk leaves the room. Ten minutes later,there is a knock on the door.)
C:May I come in?
B:Yes.(The guest opens the door.)
C:The TV set is not working well. Is that right,sir?
B:Yes,it is.
C:Let me have a look.
(The electrician finishes the repairing and checks other electric facilities in the room.)
C:Sir,everything is OK now.
B:What efficiency!Thanks a lot. This is for you.
C:Oh,no. We won't accept tips,but thank you,anyway. We wish you a nice stay with us.
Words and Expressions
wobbly [ˈwɒbli]adj.不稳定的;摆动的;歪斜的
electrician [ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn]n.电工;电气技师
maintenance [ˈmeɪntənəns]n.维护,维修;保持;生活费用
facility [fəˈsɪləti]n.设施;设备;容易;灵巧;才能,天赋
wireless [ˈwaɪələs]adj.无线的;无线电的
authenticate [ɔːˈθentɪkeɪt]v.鉴定;证明……是真实的
efficiency [ɪˈfɪʃnsi]n.效率;效能;功效
Section 3 Speaking
Speaking 1
How to Report a Loss?
1.Phrases,Sentences and Expressions

Please write a play and act it out.
Setting:A guest lost her keys,she asks the lost and found department for help.
Speaking 2
How to Deal with Emergency?
1.Phrases,Sentences and Expressions

Please write a play and act it out.
Setting:A guest is peeling the apple,suddenly,she gets hurt.She is bleeding.And she calls for help.
Section 4 Readings
Reading 1
How to Deal with Emergency?
Emergency always happens every day in every country.What will you do if you meet with emergency?If you don't know what to do,just remember some emergency numbers.When emergency happens,stay calm,take out your mobile phone and call the emergency number you need.Different countries have different emergency numbers.
When you are in the USA,remember to call 911 when you are in an emergency.The number 911 links callers to emergency services.It can tell the place of the caller's mobile phone.
The UK
In the UK,people call the number 999 when they are in an emergency.Each call center has interpretation services with 170 languages.
South Korea
The emergency number 112 is only for police in the country.Most of the telephone operators speak Korean.But there are some operators who can speak English,Chinese or Russian.And then they can offer better service for foreigners.
In China,110 is a 24-hour emergency number. On average each telephone operator answers 800 to 1000 emergency calls every day. Operators should deal with an emergency call in 57 seconds. Police need to get to the scene in five minutes in cities. In the suburbs,it is 10 minutes.
(1)Emergency always happens every day in every country.
e.g.He deals with emergencies promptly.
(2)What will you do if you meet with emergency?
meet with的意思为“符合、偶然遇见、遭受”。
e.g.Meet with them. Talk with them.
(3)When emergency happens,stay calm,take out your mobile phone and call the emergency number you need.
stay calm的意思为“保持冷静”。
e.g.His suggestion is that we should stay calm.
take out的意思为“取出”。
e.g.I'll have to stop by the bank and take out a loan.
(4)Each call center has interpretation services with 170 languages.
e.g.Professor Wolfgang gives the data a very different interpretation.
(5)On average each telephone operator answers 800 to 1000 emergency calls every day.
on average的意思为“平均、普通、通常”。
e.g.It says that on average,you should be around 20.
(6)Operators should deal with an emergency call in 57 seconds.
deal with的意思为“处理”。
e.g.Law always cannot deal with these new problems.
(7)Police need to get to the scene in five minutes in cities.
get to the scene的意思为“到达现场”。
(8)In the suburbs,it is 10 minutes.
e. g. First part stresses to research the basic theory of eco-city and land eco-use in suburb.
(1)When you are in London,what can you do when you are in an emergency?
(2)In South Korea,what languages can the telephone operators speak?
(3)In China,how long does police need to get to the scene in the suburbs?
Reading 2
How to Survive a Hotel Fire?
Have you ever been in a hotel during a fire?It is a frightening experience,but one that you should start preparing for.To survive a hotel fire,you must know how to avoid smoke and panic.With this in mind,here are a few tips:
①Check the hallway when you arrive.
As soon as you arrive in your room,check the floor plan on the back of the door that shows the location of the fire exits.Go out into the hallway and count the doors to the closest exits so you will be able to find the fire exits in the dark and smoke of a fire.
②Leave your room key where you can find it.
When you go to sleep,leave your room key on the bedside table so you can find it quickly.
③If you hear an alarm,check the door for heat.
If the fire alarm goes off,test the room door with the back of your hand to see if it is hot, which could indicate there is fire in the hallway.
④If the door is not hot,open it.
If the door is not hot,open it cautiously and if you have visibility—at least near the floor—make your way to the nearest exit.
⑤If you leave,take your key but leave your belongings.
If you leave the room,take your room key in case you have to return.Leave your belongings, every second counts.
⑥Stay calm!
If there is smoke in the corridor,stay low.
If there is too much smoke,stay in your room.
If you can't see your way to the exit,put wet towels under the door and call 119 to report your location.Stay near the window but don't open it,and wait for help.
If blocked,return to your room.
If you try to get to the exit but find that it is blocked or the smoke and heat are too much, return to your room,seal the doors with wet towels and fill the tub with water.It is safer to wait inside your room than inside a smoke-filled hallway.
⑦Never use elevator.
Walk down the corridor and find fire exit.Remember,never use the elevator in a fire—the call buttons may take you to a floor filled with smoke or flames.
(1)To survive a hotel fire,you must know how to avoid smoke and panic.
e.g.In order to effectively avoid risks,financial futures came into being.
e.g.He had survived heart bypass surgery.
e.g.An earthquake has hit the capital,causing damage to buildings and panic among the population.
(2)Go out into the hallway and count the doors to the closest exits so you will be able to find the fire exits in the dark and smoke of a fire.
e.g.He picked up the case and walked toward the exit.
e.g.He was counting slowly under his breath.
(3)If the fire alarm goes off,test the room door with the back of your hand to see if it is hot,which could indicate there is fire in the hallway.
e.g.A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life.
(4)If the door is not hot,open it cautiously.
e.g.You cannot approach it cautiously.
(5)If there is smoke in the corridor,stay calm.
e.g.There were doors on both sides of the corridor.
(6)If blocked,return to your room.
e.g.I started to move around him,but he blocked my way.
(7)Seal the doors with wet towels and fill the tub with water.
e.g.He sealed the envelope and put on a stamp.
e.g.She lay back in the tub.
(8)The call buttons may take you to a floor filled with smoke or flames.
e.g.He reached for the remote control and pressed the“play”button.
(1)How many tips are there?
(2)If the door is hot,should people open it?
(3)Could people use elevator during a fire?
Section 5 Simulated Writings
Writing 1
A Notice of Lost and Found
1.Writing Skills
If the customer has lost his valuable personal items,he could find them by putting on a lost and found notice or asking lost property office.
2.A Sample Writing
When I came to the restaurant this morning,I found a cell phone,which is next to me.I was afraid it would be damaged if nobody picked it up.And I stood there for a while seeing no one intended to pick it up.Therefore,I took it to my room.The phone is brand new.
If its owner sees this,please contact me after the school time or just go to my dormitory.My number is 12345678911 and room number is 612.
March 11,2013
3.Writing Practice
You have found an electronic dictionary and want to return it to its owner.Write a notice of lost and found to clearly state.
Writing 2
Incident or Accident Investigation
1.Writing Skills
2.A Sample Writing
Incident or Accident Investigation


3.Writing Practice
For this part you are required to write an investigation according to the following information.
On February 7,2020,John Smith was burnt in Li Jing Hotel at 8:00 a. m. He was asked to fill a form,including age,phone number,address and so on. He is 25 and his phone number is 13912345678. His address is room 401, building No. 1, Lixia district, Nanchong, Sichuan province,China. In the fire,his arm was severely burnt and his wallet,clothes,personal computer and some important documents were burnt as well. He told the manager that the television exploded when he was sleeping. The manager Mr. Black decided to check the facilities regularly and let all of the clerks check fire extinguishers every week.
Section 6 Supplementary Reading
How to Do Basic First Aid?
Determine Responsiveness
If a person is unconscious,try to rouse them by speaking to them or by tapping at the shoulder.Do not be afraid to speak loudly or even shout.If they do not respond to activity,sound, touch,or other stimulation,determine whether they are breathing.
Check for Breathing
If unconscious and unable to be roused,check for breathing:look for a rise in the chest area;listen to the sound of air coming in and out;feel for air using the side of your face.If no signs of breathing are apparent,place two fingers under the chin and gently guide the face pointing upwards to open up their airways.If any debris such as vomit can be seen,it is appropriate to move them onto their side to allow it to get out,which is achieved with the recovery position.
Check for a Pulse
If the person remains unresponsive,prep for CPR.
Unless you suspect a spinal injury,carefully roll them onto their back and open their airway.If you suspect a spinal injury,leave the person where they are,provided they are breathing.
Keep the Head and Neck Aligned
Open the airway by lifting the chin.
Make Sure the Person Is Warm as You Wait for Medical Help
Drape a towel or a blanket over the person if you have one;if you don't,remove some of your own clothing(such as your coat or jacket)and use it as a cover until medical help arrives.However,if the person has a heatstroke,do not cover him or keep him warm.Instead try to cool him by fanning him and damping him.