About Husserl's phenomenology,scholars usually concentrate on the static and genetic dimensions.While few study on the bridge,i.e.the Body between the two parts.This leads to many prejudices and disputes on his phenomenology.For example,some scholars think there are gaps between statics and genesis,essence and history in Husserl's phenomenology.This dissertation argues that how to view the problem of Body is the key to resolve all the disputes,because Body includes both material and psychic side,and it is the place where experiences and ideas converge.
We will discuss Descartes,Locke,Berkley,and Hume's thoughts on Body from Husserl's perspective at first,and then explain the relation of Body and pure concsiouness in Husserl's phenomenology.Talking about modern philosophers' ideas on Body will show the original sources which Husserl was faced with on one hand,and manefist how to understand Body is key to resolve the disputes between emperi calism and idealism on the other.Through phenomenologi cal reduction,Husserl first suspends any presupposition including Body.Body,however,hides in the original experience,which is especially shown in the intuition-related basic concepts,such as“be given in person”and“adumbration”.Body appears when he describes the constitution of region through original experience.Here the Body cannot be understood as an experiential body existing in the world,but something emerging together with the world.The basic struc ture of this dissertation is,based on the constitution of Body,along with the clue of constitution of regions in Husserl's Ideas 2,returning to the original experience to reveal the co-constitutive relationship between Body and the world step by step.In general,that is,starting from the original perception of Body,sequentially describing the constitution of physi cal thing,soul and spirit from low to high level.And these regions are both the layers of Body and the structures of the world.
Firstly,in the discussion of constitutive relationship between Body and the region of physi cal thing,on one hand,we will show that kinesthesis is not only a basic sensory element which constitutes the space,but also a basic condition that makes us have the sensation of the sameness and difference,which is essential to the constitution of Self-consciousness,Body-consciousness and Other-consciousness.On the other hand,it will manifest that touch-kinesthesis is the basis of the appearance of causality,for original resistance relation is given through tactile sensation.In the constitution of physi cal thing,the Body begins to show a double character:It is real not fictional,because it is physi cal body.While it is not just a physi cal thing,for I cannot depart from the Body to intuite itself.This reveals that it is my Body and the absolute“here”which makes the object there appear.
Secondly,based on the double character of Body we will discuss the sensory layer of Body and explain the interlaced relation of Body and soul.On one hand,we will show tactile field isthe primary sensory field,which makes sensory Body and other kinds of senses appear.On the other hand,soul is originally given through sensory Body,it is inseparable with Body.And soul cannot be located in brain,for it permeates in every part of Body.Thus we can say Body is animated by soul,and it is our Body.Body and soul are originally interwoven with each other and constitute a whole I,and the kinesthesis which accompanies with other kinds of sensa tions shows the original“I can”.At the same time,based on Husserl's thought we will criticize naturalistic ideas on body and soul.
Finally,from the criticism of naturalism we will turn to personalism.Here we will mainly talk about the motivational law of the embodied person,Body and the other,Body and expression,and show the teleology of existential Body.We will discuss the motivational existential behavior of embodied person through kinesthesis,and re-interpret Husserl's approach to intersubjectivity.I.e.,we will explain that the primordial ego is preintentional,it is an abstract logic starting point which aims at explaining the appearance of the other,and the touch-and walking-kinesthesis of primordial ego sets up a foundation for analogi cally apperceiving the other,and the appearance of the other is the primary transcendence of intentionality,so intersubjectivity is the inner structure of self-awareness.In the perspective of existentialism,the existential activity of subject-community is original,and all the intentional themes,including the sameness and difference,subject and object,Body and soul,etc.,are originally related to self-class consciousness which is formed in the existential activity of community.In the perspective of the existential activity of community,Body behavior is original expression of communication.Social culture,including word,religion and law,etc.,is the higher form of expression which is based on Body behavior.In order to avoid the personal Body behavior being subject to the habit and social norm and losing the free spirit,we will show the Body behavior originally has the creative dimension through the Body-horizon.
In all,the phenomenologi cal description starting from the constitution of physi cal thing is a method of abstract separation.While for naturalism,physi cal reality is the final foundation and independent from subject experience,and soul,spirit are reversely reduced to affiliated phenomena of physi cal thing.So this dissertation will also analyze and criticize the idea of naturalism on Body and soul when describing the constitutive relation of Body and the world.Proceeding from the layer of physi cal reality to spiritual field is a necessary process according to the original experience.It leads the interpretation of Body to higher and higher layer,i.e.from physi cal body,psychic Body to personal Body.This will show the personalistic attitude surpasses the naturalistic attitude.Touch-kinesthesis is an important clue throughout this dissertation,and it is a passage from natural causality to motivational law,from epistemologi cal Body to existential Body,from the ego to the other.Finally,the whole world appears as the embodied expression of pure consciousness.In other words,the practi cal activity of community constitutes the histori cal life whose telos is pure consciousness itself.Pure consciousness is the absolute subject,while the finite embodied subject is not a moment which needs to be overcome,for pure consciousness not only has a static structure,but is ceaselessly being and shows as the existential process of personal community.So the relationship between the embodied subject and pure consciousness is one-intwo,two-in-one.
Key words:Husserl;intentionality;Body;kinesthesis;touch sensation