Swaroop C H has previously worked at Yahoo! and Adobe, has co-founded a startup, has written two technical books (one of which is used as a text book in more than ten universities worldwide), writes a popular blog that has been consistently rated one of the top ten blogs in India, and is a marathoner. More details at http://www.swaroopch.com/about/.
He has written two technical books—A Byte of Python and A Byte of Vim—beginner books to Python and Vim respectively. They are freely available under the Creative Commons license on his website www.swaroopch.com.
Andy Dustman (http://profiles.google.com/farcepest) is the primary author of MySQLdb, the MySQL interface for Python.
The MySQL-Python project is supported and funded purely by volunteers and donations by the user community at (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python/).
Andy has been using Python since 1997, and currently works on Django applications (using MySQL, of course) when not doing system and network administration. In his spare time, he rides motorcycles.
Geert JM Vanderkelen is a member of the MySQL Support Team at Sun, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oracle. He is based in Germany and has worked for MySQL AB since April, 2005. Before joining MySQL he worked as developer, DBA and SysAdmin for various companies in Belgium and Germany. Today Geert specializes in MySQL Cluster and works together with colleagues around the world to ensure continued support for both customers and community. Geert is also the maintainer of MySQL Connector/Python.