OpenSceneGraph 3.0: Beginner's Guide

ref_ptr<> and Referenced classes

Fortunately, OSG also provides a native smart pointer, osg::ref_ptr<>, for the purpose of automatic garbage collection and deallocation. To make it work properly, OSG also provides the osg::Referenced class to manage reference-counted memory blocks, which is used as the base class of any classes that may serve as the template argument.

The osg::ref_ptr<> class template re-implements a number of C++ operators as well as member functions, and thus provides convenient methods to developers. Its main components are as follows:

  • get(): This public method returns the managed pointer, for instance, the osg::Node* pointer if you are using osg::Node as the template argument.
  • operator*(): This is actually a dereference operator, which returns l-value at the pointer address, for instance, the osg::Node& reference variable.
  • operator->() and operator=(): These operators allow a user application to use osg::ref_ptr<> as a normal pointer. The former calls member functions of the managed object, and the latter replaces the current managed pointer with a new one.
  • operator==(), operator!=(), and operator!(): These operators help to compare smart pointers, or check if a certain pointer is invalid. An osg::ref_ptr<> object with NULL value assigned or without any assignment is considered invalid.
  • valid(): This public method returns true if the managed pointer is not NULL. The expression some_ptr.valid() equals to some_ptr!=NULL if some_ptr is defined as a smart pointer.
  • release(): This public method is useful when returning the managed address from a function. It will be discussed later.

The osg::Referenced class is the pure base class of all elements in a scene graph, such as nodes, geometries, rendering states, and any other allocatable scene objects. The osg::Node class actually inherits from osg::Referenced indirectly. This is the reason why we program as follows:

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> root;

The osg::Referenced class contains an integer number to handle the memory block allocated. The reference count is initialized to 0 in the class constructor, and will be increased by 1 if the osg::Referenced object is referred to by an osg::ref_ptr<> smart pointer. On the contrary, the number will be decreased by 1 if the object is removed from a certain smart pointer. The object itself will be automatically destroyed when no longer referenced by any smart pointers.

The osg::Referenced class provides three main member methods:

  • The public method ref() increases the referenced counting number by 1
  • The public method unref() decreases the referenced counting number by 1
  • The public method referenceCount() returns the value of the current referenced counting number, which is useful for code debugging

These methods could also work for classes that are derived from osg::Referenced. Note that it is very rarely necessary to call ref() or unref() directly in user programs, which means that the reference count is managed manually and may conflict with what the osg::ref_ptr<> is going to do. Otherwise, OSG's internal garbage collecting system will get the wrong number of smart pointers in use and even crash when managing memory blocks in an improper way.