Using the installer
It is easy and fast to use a prebuilt OSG package to deploy the binaries and libraries necessary for creating your own programs. A typical prebuilt binary package is designed, compiled, and tested by a third party, and often includes run-time executables, shared libraries, static-link libraries, headers, third-party dependencies, documentation, and other useful resources, and is available to developers in the form of a freeware or a commercial product.
To quickly set up your OSG development environment, you may get an OSG installer with the following URL: http://www.openscenegraph.org/files/dev/OpenSceneGraph-Installer.exe
This tiny and simple installer will check your computer's configuration and automatically download the previously mentioned prebuilt binary packages from the official OSG website. The installer will read from a .ini
configuration file first, which will be updated as soon as new prebuilt packages are released. In this way, users can keep their OSG version up-to-date simply by re-executing the installer.