What you need for this book
For this book you will need a computer, of course. In terms of the software required, you don't have to be worried, all the components we use are open source and available for every platform.
For all the REST examples the cURL software (http://curl.haxx.se/) is used to simulate a command from the command line. It's commonly preinstalled in Linux and Mac OS X operative systems. For Windows, it can be downloaded from its site and put in a path that can be called from a command line.
For Chapter 10, Java Integration and Chapter 12, Plugin Development, the Maven built tool (http://maven.apache.org/) is required, which is a standard for managing build, packaging, and deploy in Java. It is natively supported in Java IDEs such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.
Chapter 11, Python Integration, requires the Python interpreter installed. By default it's available on Linux and Mac OS X. For Windows it can be downloaded from the official Python site (http//www.python.org). For the current examples Version 2.X is used.