The games we will build
This journey will be smooth as we will learn about the fundamentals of the super-fast C++ language one step at a time, and then put this new knowledge to use by adding cool features to the five games we are going to build.
The following are our five projects for this book.
The first game is an addictive, fast-paced clone of the hugely successful Timberman, which can be found at http://store.steampowered.com/app/398710/. Our game, Timber!!!, will introduce us to all the basics of C++ while we build a genuinely playable game. Here is what our version of the game will look like when we are done and we have added a few last-minute enhancements:

Pong was one of the first video games to be made, and you can find out about its history here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong. It is an excellent example of how the basics of game object animation and dynamic collision detection work. We will build this simple retro game to explore the concept of classes and object-oriented programming. The player will use the bat at the bottom of the screen and hit the ball back to the top of the screen:

Zombie Arena
Next, we will build a frantic, zombie survival shooter, not unlike the Steam hit Over 9,000 Zombies!, which you can find out more about at http://store.steampowered.com/app/273500/. The player will have a machine gun and must fight off ever-growing waves of zombies. All this will take place in a randomly generated, scrolling world. To achieve this, we will learn about how object-oriented programming allows us to have a large code base (lots of code) that is easy to write and maintain. Expect exciting features such as hundreds of enemies, rapid-fire weaponry, pickups, and a character that can be “leveled up” after each wave:

Thomas was late
The fourth game will be a stylish and challenging single-player and co-op puzzle platformer. It is based on the very popular game Thomas was Alone (http://store.steampowered.com/app/220780/). Expect to learn about cool topics such as particle effects, OpenGL Shaders, and split-screen cooperative multiplayer:

If you want to play any of the games now, you can do so from the download bundle in the Runnable Games folder. Just double-click on the appropriate .exe file. Note that, in this folder, you can run either the completed games or any game in its partially completed state from any chapter.
Space Invaders ++
The final game will be a Space Invaders clone. In some ways, the game itself is not what is important about this project. The project will be used to learn about game programming patterns. As will become abundantly clear as this book progresses, our code keeps getting longer and more complicated. Each project will introduce one or more techniques for coping with this, but the complexity and length of our code will keep coming back to challenge us, despite these techniques.
The Space Invaders project (called Space Invaders ++) will show us ways in which we can radically reorganize our game code also that we can take control of and properly manage our code once and for all. This will leave you with all the knowledge you need to plan and build deep, complex, and innovative games, without ending up in a tangle of code.
The game will also introduce concepts such as screens, input handlers, and entity-component systems. It will also allow us to learn how to let the player use a gamepad instead of the keyboard and introduce the C++ concepts of smart pointers, casts, assertions, breakpoint debugging, and teach us the most important lesson from the whole book: how to build your own unique games:

Let’s get started by introducing C++, Visual Studio, and SFML!