Unit 4 购置办公用品
Dialogue 1
A: Hi, Linda. Will you be free at noon?
B: Yes. What can I do for you?
A: We need a new filing cabinet in the office. Could you go downtown with me afte lunch?
B: All right. Have you got any idea about what type to buy?
A: Yes, the same as the ones we have. And we also need some small articles in the office, such as pens, clips, erasers and sticky notes.
B: Can you remember them all?
A: Susan has already given me a list of all the stationery which we need to buy.
Dialogue 2
A: The boss has an errand for you.
B: What's it?
A: Scope out the city's shopping malls and find out the best deals.
B: The best deals on what sort of items?
A: Office supplies, of course.
B: I'm leaving now.
A: Hold your horse. Don't leave without finishing your report firs.
B: Fine. I'll finish it and then go shopping.
| 常用词汇,记一记!|
appliance [??pla??ns] n. 办公用品
note [n??t] n. 票据
maintain [men?te?n] v. 维护
attendance machine 考勤机
article [?ɑ?t?kl] n. 物件,物品
stationery [?ste??(?)n?r?] n. 文具;信笺
battery [?b?t?r?] n. 电池
carbon paper 复写纸
filing cabine 档案柜
waste basket 废纸篓
| 核心句型,背一背!|
1. We're running low on stationery. 我们的文具快用完了。
2. I'd like to buy two filing cabinets.我想去买两个文件柜。
3. The drinking fountain is empty again. 饮水机又没水了。
4. We should buy a laser printer. 我们应该买台激光打印机。
5. That wheel needs some grease. 那个轮子需要上一些润滑油。
6. We must buy a new machine. 我们必须买一台新机器。
7. How many memo pads do I need to buy? 我需要买多少个便签啊?
8. We need a new ink cartridge for the printer. 我们需要买个新的打印机墨盒。
9. We need to buy a piece of foam core. 我们需要买一块泡沫塑料板。
10. Do you know what type to buy? 你知道买什么型号的吗?
11. We need a new computer in the office.我们办公室要添置一台新电脑。
12. Our computers are not enough for the new staffs. 我们的电脑不够新员工使用。
13. The printer needs ink. 打印机需要墨粉。
14. We have run out of paper. 我们没有打印纸了。
15. The fax machine needs a new power cable. 传真机需要一条新的电源线。
1. What do you think of its quality? 你认为它的质量如何?
2. What's your charge for this filing cabinet?这个文件柜要多少钱?
3. Can you save it for us until Friday? 能否为我们保留到周五?
4. Pick me out a good piece, please. 请给我挑一个好的。
5. The price is marked on the tag. 价格就标在标签上。
6. Its quality is worth the price. 它的质量值这个价钱。
7. Sorry, our price are fixed. 对不起,我们这儿不讲价。
8. They are really popular. 它们真的很受欢迎。
9. I wonder if you have any good pens. 不知你们有没有好钢笔。
10. May I try this pen, please? 我试一下这支钢笔,好吗?
11. What's the type of this notebook computer? 这台笔记本电脑是什么型号?
12. May I have one of these bookcases? 我可以买其中的一个书架吗?
13. I will give you the order. 我这就向你们订购。
14. I'm afraid we've sold out of those. 我们这里恐怕已经缺货了。
15. Are you likely to be getting any more in? 你们还会进货吗?
16. Many customers speak highly of this brand. 许多顾客对这个牌子十分推崇。
17. This brand is always dependable. 这个牌子一贯值得信赖。
office pape 办公用纸
time card 考勤卡
copier [?k?p??] n. 复印机
time card machine 考勤机
paper shredder 碎纸机
typewriter [?ta?pra?t?] n. 打字机
fax machine 传真机
expanding fil 文件袋
document cabinet 文件柜
stationery rack 文具架
1. People who are cautious won't be caught with chaff.
2. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
3. Reflection on the history is in order to better face the future.
4. It's a great virtue to correct what you have done wrong.
5. Lies have short legs.