According to the requirements of the Document Jian Biao[2006]No.136 issued by former Ministry of Construction(MOC)—"Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan(Batch two)of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2006",this code is the revision of GBJ 148-90 Electric Equipment Installation Engineering Code for Construction and Acceptance of Power Transformers,Oil-immersed Type Reactors and Instrument Transformers by the China Electric Power Research Institute jointly with all concerned organizations.
This code consists of 5 chapters and an appendix,covering general provisions,terms,basic requirement,power transformers and oil-immersed type reactors and instrument transformer.
Compared with the former code,this revision extends the application scope from construction and acceptance for power transformers,oil-immersed type reactors and instrument transformers at 500kV or lower level to construction and acceptance for ones at 750kV.With the higher voltage class,all elements of technical requirements as well as those in index shall be raised and specified more definitely.
The provisions printed in bold type are compulsory ones and must be enforced strictly.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is with responsibility for the administration of this code and the interpretation of the compulsory provisions hereof,the China Electricity Council is with responsibility for the routine management,and the China Electric Power Research Institute for the explanation of specific technical contents.
All relevant organizations are requested to sum up and accumulate practice experiences during implementing this code.Opinions and advice in amendment and supplement,if any,can be sent to the China Electric Power Research Institute(Address:No.33,Nan Bin He Road,Xuanwu District 100055,Beijing;Tel.:010-63424285).
Chief Development Organizations,Participating Development Organizations,Chief Drafting Staff,Main Examiners of this code:
Chief Development Organizations:
China Electric Power Research Institute(the former Guodian Electric Power Construction Research Institute)
Guangdong Power Transmission & Transformation Engineering Company
Participating Development Organizations:
Beijing Electric Power Transmission & Transformation Engineering Company
Jiangsu Electric Power Transmission & Transformation Engineering Company
Jilin Xiehe Power Construction Co.,Ltd.
Nantong Xinda Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd.
Chief Drafting Staff:
Cai Xinhua Xiang Yuhua Cheng Yifu Li Qingjiang Jing Jin Li Bo
Xu Bin Zhao Hanxiang Han Gang
Main Examiners:
Chen Fayu Wang Jinhong Sun Guanfu Wu Kefen LV Zhirui
Jian Hancheng Zhang Cheng He Guanheng Li Guisheng Luo Xiqun
Tan Changyou Jiang Feng Wu Jianhui Liu Haitao Wang Jungang
Zhou Yizhong Liao Wei Li Wenxue
The English translation was done by Sun Jiantao.