2 Terms and Symbols
2.0.1 Effective Volume of Blast Furnace(m3)
The volume contained in the space of effective height of the blast furnace.
2.0.2 Effective Height of Blast Furnace(m)
The vertical distance from the blast furnace's zero stock line to centerline of taphole.
2.0.3 Hearth Diameter(m)
The diameter of hearth formed inside the tuyere assembly.
2.0.4 Utilization Coefficient of Blast Furnace/Productivity Coefficient/Productivity(t/m3·d)
The ratio of blast furnace's daily output to its effective volume.
2.0.5 Hearth Area Utilization Coefficient of Blast Furnace(t/m2·d)
The ratio of blast furnace's daily output to hearth sectional area.
2.0.6 Bosh Gas Volume(m3)
Total volume of gas generated by bosh,consisting of the gas volumes from blasting,oxygen enrichment,pulverized coal injection and blast moisture.
2.0.7 Bosh Gas Volume Index(m/min)
The ratio of bosh gas volume to hearth sectional area.
2.0.8 Operation Rate(%)
The percentage of actual operation time of blast furnace accounting for calendar time.
2.0.9 Coke Ratio/Rate(kg/t)
The dry coke quantity as consumed by blast furnace for smelting of per ton hot metal,also named as charging coke ratio.
2.0.10 Coal Ratio/Rate(kg/t)
The coal powder quantity as consumed by blast furnace for smelting of per ton hot metal.
2.0.11 Coke Nut Ratio/Rate(kg/t)
The dry coke nut quantity as consumed by blast furnace for smelting of per ton hot metal.
2.0.12 Fuel Ratio/Rate(kg/t)
The total quantity of coke,coal powder(not considering coal-to-coke replacement ratio)and coke nut as consumed by blast furnace for smelting of per ton hot metal.
2.0.13 Energy Consumption per ton Hot Metal(kgce/t)
The total quantity of various energies,including fuels and power used for working procedures,as consumed by blast furnace for smelting of per ton hot metal,equal to the difference of consumed energies volume deducting the recovered energies volume and then divided by the hot metal output.
2.0.14 Oxygen Enrichment Ratio(%)
The volume percentage of increased content of oxygen in the enriched blast.
2.0.15 One Ladle Transportation
The technological process of receiving the hot metal from blast furnace smelting directly by the ladle at steelmaking workshop and transporting it in the same ladle to converter at steelmaking workshop.
2.0.16 Equipment Maximal Capacity
The maximal capacity of equipment as required for ensuring its safe operation.