This code is a revision to GB 50049-94 Code for Design of Small-Size Power Plant made by Henan Electric Power Survey & Design Institute and interests concerned in response to the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Preparation and Revision Plan of National Standards for Engineering Construction 2006(JB[2006]No.136)issued by the former Ministry of Construction.
This code is organized into 24 chapters and one appendix,mainly including General,Terms,Basic Requirements,Heating(Cooling)and Electrical Load,Siting,Overall Planning,Main Power Building Arrangement,Coal Handling System,Boiler Equipment and System,Ash Handling System,Flue Gas Desulfuration System,DeNOx System,Steam Turbine Equipment and System,Water Treatment Equipment and System,Information System,Instrumentation and Control,Electrical Equipment and System,Hydraulic Facilities and Systems,Auxiliary and Ancillary Facilities,Architecture and Structure,Heating,Ventilation,and Air Conditioning,Environmental Protection and Soil and Water Conservation,Labor Safety and Occupational Health,and Fire Protection.
The revisionsmade mainly include the following:
1.The applicability of this code is extended to the design of thermal power plants that are operated at high temperature and high pressure and below parameters,installed with a single unit capacity below 125MW,operating at direct combustion mode and mainly burning solid fossil fuels;
2.Technical contents regarding desulfuration system and DeNOx system are added;
3.Technical contents regarding information system,soil and water conservation,and fire fighting are added.
In this code,the articles in bold type are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly.
The Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China is in charge of the administration of this code and the explanation of the compulsory provisions.The China Electricity Council is responsible for routine management of this code.Henan Electric Power Survey & Design Institute is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents of this code.Any comments and suggestions raised during the implementation of this code are to be referred to Henan Electric Power Survey & Design Institute at No.212,West Zhongyuan Road,Zhengzhou,Henan,P.R.China,450007.
The chief development organization,participating development organizations,chief drafting staff and chief reviewing staff of this code are as follows:
Chief Development Organization:
Henan Electric Power Survey & Design Institute
Participating Development Organizations:
Hunan Electric Power Design Institute
Zhejiang Electric Power Design Institute
Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Corp.,Ltd.
Chief Drafting Staff:
Lou Jinqi Pang Ke Wang Chengli Qian Haiping Wang Kui
Wei Yingxu Wang Yuxin Zhang Zhantao Song Junshan Zhang Junmin
Guo Hongbing Guo Xiping Chen Benbai Liu Zili Liu Yijun
Li Kewei Zhang Weiling Cui Yunsu Xu Wei Lou Yujia
Chen Xiao Zhou Jian Zhou Zhiyong Yu Fang Wang Ruilai
Zhang Jidong Tang Ailiang He Yuping
Chief Reviewing Staff:
Guo Xiaoke Huang Baode Wang Xiaojing Guo Yali Liu Dongya
Su Yunyong Wang Huanjin Li Jiangbo Tian Rongrong Huang Wen
Chen Bin Cheng Jian Hu Wei Wang Zhenbiao Cai Faming
He Weisha Li Zhong Fu Jianbo Jin Weiqin Chen Xi
Ge Simin Cao Heping Chen Lilin Zhou Xianlin Lin Shu
Gan Jiafu Tang Lili Huang Rong Xu Tongshe Chen Zheng
Wang Jieru Liu Mingqiu Xu Zhengyuan Wang Xiaojun Ma Tuansheng
Wei Xiangzhan Hu Huaqiang Li Xiangdong Zhang Yansheng Hou Liancheng
Tang Dongsheng Zhang Kaijun Zou Xiaonong