According to the requirements specified in the Plan for Developing Professional Standards in 2008(Document Number:[2008]No.1242)issued by the General Administration Office of National Development and Reform Commission,this Specification is revised by its development team based on wide and intensive investigations and studies made,practices summarized,comments requested as well as references to international standards.
This Specification comprises 7 chapters.
Main technical contents of this Specification include design requirements for arrangements of common equipment,piperacks,buildings,structures and accesses in petrochemical plant.
This Specification is revised based on General Rules of Process Plant Layout Design for Petrochemical Industry(SH 3011-2000),and main revisions including:
1.Renamed SH 3011-2000 into Specification for design of process plant layout in Petrochemical engineering(SH 3011-2011);
2.Add Chapter 2:Normative References;
3.Add the requirements for water drainage facilities in curbs in Chapter 3:General Requirements,and revise and supplement some contents;
4.Split original Chapter 3:Arrangement for Main Piperacks and Common Equipment into new Chapter 4:Arrangement for Piperacks and new Chapter 5:Arrangement for Common Equipment,and revise and supplement some contents;
5.Split original Chapter 4:Arrangement for Buildings,Structures and Accesses into new Chapter 6:Arrangement for Buildings and Structures and new Chapter 7:Arrangement for Accesses,define specific requirements and restraints for control rooms,field rack rooms,substations,laboratories and office buildings if they are arranged inside battery limit.For large petrochemical process plant,the equipment areas and building areas may be enlarged from 10000m2to 20000m2,as well as necessary safety provisions shall be made;
The provisions printed in bold type are compulsory ones and must be enforced strictly.
China Petrochemical Corporation(Sinopec Group)is in charge of the administration of this Specification,Sinopec Technical Center for Piping Design and Engineering is responsible for its routine management,and Sinopec Engineering Incorporation is tasked for explanation of specific technical contents If any comments and recommendations are proposed in implementation of this Specification,please send your comments/recommendations to the routine management organization and chief development organization.
Routine Management Organization:
Sinopec Technical Center for Piping Design and Engineering
Address:Bldg.21 Anyuan,Anhui Bei Li,Chaoyang District,Beijing
Chief Development Organization:
Sinopec Engineering Incorporation
Address:Bldg.21 Anyuan,Anhui Bei Li,Chaoyang District,Beijing
Participating Development Organizations:
Sinopec Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporation
Sinopec Tenth Construction Company
Chief Drafting Staff:
Zhang Dejiang Li Qinghan Zhang Fayou Qiu Ping Wang Jinfu
Xu Mingcai
Chief Reviewing Staff:
Wang Jianyu Ge Chunyu Li Yonghong Liu Jian Liang Qizhou
Lei Yunzhou Yang Pinghui Yuan Can Kang Jiuchang Wang Shaohua
Bai Dianwu Li Daiyu Zhang Baojiang Tang Yongjin Chen Yongliang
Xu Dan Jiang Guoxian Lv Songtao Bian Rongxia Shan Chengjia
Tang Riguang
This Specification was initially issued in 1989,and first revised in 2000.This edition is the 2nd revision.