5.2 Welding
Ⅰ Dominant Items
5.2.1 The welding for column,beam,etc on shell and frame structure of blast furnace,hot-blast stove and so on shall have relevant welding procedure qualification report,and the welding instructions shall be prepared according to the welding procedure qualification report.The welding procedure qualification for column,beam,etc shall meet the requirements in current national standard for shell of blast furnace,hotblast stove and so on in JGJ 81 Technical Specification for Welding of Steel Structure of Building.The welding procedure qualification for shell of blast furnace,hot-blast stove,etc shall meet the requirements in current national standard for shell of blast furnace,hot-blast stove and so on in GB 50236 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Field Equipment,Industrial Pipe Welding Engineering.
Check quantity:full check.
Check method:check thewelding procedure qualification report and welding instructions.
5.2.2 The welder shall pass relevant examination and get the qualification certificate.The welder who carries a certificate shall only be allowed to weld for qualified items and in acceptable scope.
Check quantity:full check.
Check method:check the welder's certificate and its acceptable scope and validity period.
5.2.3 The butt weld quality of steelwork of frame,truss structures shall meet the requirements in the design documents.When not specified,these shall reach ClassⅢor above in Category B of current national standard GB 11345 Method for Manual Ultrasonic Testing and Classification of Testing Results for Ferritic Steel Welds.
Check quantity:calculate the percentage of each welding seam that is processed in factory,the inspection length shall not be less than 200mm,the whole welding seam shall be inspected when its length is less than 200mm;calculate the percentage of welding seam of each type and welding condition that is processed on site,the inspection length shall not be less than 200mm,and at least 1 seam shall be inspected.
Check method:check the ultrasonic inspection report or take measurement.
5.2.4 The butt weld quality of steelwork of shell structures shall meet the requirements in the design documents.When not specified,these shall reach ClassⅡin Category B of current national standard GB 11345 Method for Manual Ultrasonic Testing and Classification of Testing Results for Ferritic Steel Welds.
Check quantity:manual welding:10% random check for total length of welding seam.
Automatic welding:5% random check for total length of welding seam.
Check method:check the ultrasonic inspection report or take measurement.
5.2.5 The internal quality of butt weld on the water-cooled beam shall meet the requirements in the design documents.And it shall reach Class II of Category AB quality specified in GB 3323Radiographic Examination of Fusion Welded Joints in Metallic Materials when not specified.
Check quantity:100% check for welding seam.
Check method:check the radiographic inspection report,the radiographic negative film or measure.
5.2.6 The internal quality of butt weld on large-diameter coil-welded steel pipe shall meet the requirements in the design documents.And the kerosene leakage test shall be taken and there is no leakage when not specified.
Check quantity:20% random check for butt welds on elements of same type,and at least 3 welds.
Check method:check the kerosene leakage test records.
5.2.7 The internal quality of welding seam on the gas pipe shall meet the requirements in the design documents.And it shall reach ClassⅡof Category AB quality specified in GB 3323Radiographic Examination of Fusion Welded Joints in Metallic Materials when not specified.
Check quantity:5% random check for full length of welding seam.
Check method:check the radiographic inspection report and the radiographic negative film,observe the inspection point and quantity.
5.2.8 The treatment for removal of internal stress after welding on shell of furnace tuyere section and hot-blast stove hot section shall meet the requirements in the design documents.
Check quantity:full check.
Check method:check the treatment records for removal of internal stress after welding,welding procedure qualification report and welding instructions.
Ⅱ General Items
5.2.9 The procedure handover records shall be completely provided before welding,including welding seam joint,clearance,undercut,cleaning,etc..
Check quantity:10% random check for each batch of elements of same type,and at least 3 pieces.
Check method:check the procedure handover records.
5.2.10 The side of welding seam on the shell of blast furnace and hot-blast stove shall have mark,welding record and chart that are related to the welder.
Check quantity:10% random check by shell strip(section),and at least 3 strips(sections).
Check method:observe and check the welder's welding record and chart.
5.2.11 The welding seam size and appearance quality of weld on column,beam,corridor truss shall meet the requirements in the design documents.And when not specified in design,it shall reach ClassⅡin current national standard GB 50205 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures.
Check quantity:5% random check for welding seam of each type and at least 1 seam.1 point is on each welding seam and at least 10 points in total during check.1 point for each welding seam less than 500mm.2 points for welding seam between 500mm-2000mm.1 point in each meter for welding seam larger than 2000mm.
Check method:observe or check with a magnifier,welding seam gauge and steel rule,take penetrant inspection when necessary.
5.2.12 The size and appearance quality of butt weld on shell of blast furnace,hot-blast stove shall meet the requirements in the design documents.And it shall meet the requirements in Table 5.2.12 when not specified.
Check quantity:10% random check for welding seam by shell strip(section).
Check method:observe or check with a magnifier,welding seam gauge and steel rule,take penetrant inspection when necessary.
Table 5.2.12 Size and appearance quality of welding seam on shell of blast furnace,hot-blast stove,etc.(mm)

Note:T refers to the thickness of base metal.
5.2.13 The appearance quality of welding seam on water-cooled beam shall meet the requirements in the design documents.And it shall reach ClassⅡof welding seam quality specified in GB 50236 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Field Equipment,Industrial Pipe Welding Engineering when not specified.
Check quantity:100% check for welding seam.
Check method:observe or check with a magnifier,welding seam gauge and steel rule,take penetrant inspection when necessary.
5.2.13 The appearance quality of welding seam on gas pipe shall meet the requirements in the design documents.And it shall reach ClassⅢof welding seam quality specified in GB 50236 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Field Equipment,Industrial Pipe Welding Engineering when not specified.
Check quantity:30% random check for welding seam.
Check method:observe or check with a magnifier,welding seam gauge and steel rule,take penetrant inspection when necessary.
5.2.14 The appearance quality of butt weld on large-diameter coil-welded steel pipe shall meet the requirements in the design documents.
And it shall reach ClassⅢof welding seam quality specified in GB 50236 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Field Equipment,Industrial Pipe Welding Engineering when not specified.
Check quantity:10% random check for butt weld on elements of same type,and at least 3 welds.
Check method:observe or check with a magnifier,welding seam gauge and steel rule,take penetrant inspection when necessary.