3.4 Padding Plate
Ⅰ Dominant Items
3.4.1 As for padding plate by bed-mortar method,the bed-mortar concrete at 48h shall reach the design strength for foundation concrete.
Check quantity:batch check.
Check method:check the strength test report for bed-mortar concrete block.
Ⅱ General Items
3.4.2 The padding plate of equipment shall meet the requirements in design documents or current national standard GB 50231 General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Engineering.
Check quantity:20% random check.
Check method:observe or check with a steel rule,feeler gauge and by hammering padding plate.
3.4.3 The surface of concrete foundation of padding plate that is arranged by grinding method shall be chiseled flat;the contacts between concrete surface and padding plate shall be evenly distributed.
Check quantity:20% random check.
Check method:visual check.