2.2 Symbols
2.2.1 Action and action effects
C——limit of crack width or deformation of structure or member;
fa——characteristic value of subgrade bearing capacity after correction;
P——design value of average compressive stress at the bottom surface of the foundation;
Pmax——design value of maximum compressive stress at the edge of bottom surface of the foundation;
R——design value of resistance of structural members;
SEhk——effect of characteristic value of horizontal seismic action;
SEQK——effect of representative value of the variable load of tensions of conductor and earthwire;
SEVK——effect of characteristic value of vertical seismic action;
SGE——effect of representative value of permanent load;
SGK——effect of characteristic value of permanent load;
SQiK——effect of characteristic value of variable load i;
SWK——effect of characteristic value of wind load;
T——maximum working load,line breakage load,string breakage load,check load or annual continuous load of insulator.
TE——design value of foundation uplifting or overturning forces;
Tmax——maximum tension at the lowest point of sag of conductor or earthwire;
TP——ultimate tensile force of conductor or earthwire;
TR——the rated mechanicalfailure load of insulator;
V——wind speed at the height of 10m above the ground;
WI——characteristic value of wind load of insulator string;
WO——characteristic value of reference wind pressure;
WS——characteristic value of tower wind load;
WX——characteristic value of horizontal w ind load perpendicular to the conductor and earthwire;
γS——design value of soil density;
γC——design value of concrete density.
2.2.2 Electrotechnical
n——number of pieces of insulators per insulator string in areas of altitude 1000m;
nH——number of pieces of insulators per insulator string in areas of high altitude;
U——system nominal voltage;
λ——specific creepage distance.
2.2.3 Calculation coefficient
B——magnification factor of wind load when coated with ice;
Ka——altitude correction factor for discharge voltage;
Kc——design safety factor of conductor or earthwire;
ke——effective coefficient of creepage distance of insulator;
ki——coefficient of suspension insulator string;
K1——safety factor of mechanical strength of insulators;
m——altitude correction factor;
m1——characteristic index;
α——nonuniformity coefficient of wind pressure;
βc——adjustment factor of wind load applied on conductor and earthwire;
βz——adjustment factor of tower wind load;
μs——shape factor of structural member;
μsc——shape factor of conductor or earthwire;
μz——height coefficient of wind pressure;
ψ——combination coefficient of variable loads;
ψWE——combination factor for wind loading in seismic basic combination;
γo——importance factor of tower structure;
γEh——partial factor of horizontal seismic action;
γEV——partial factor of vertical seismic action;
γEQ——integration by partial factors for variable loads of tension of conductor and earthwire;
γG——partial factor for permanent load;
γQi——partial factor for variable load i;
γrf——adjustment factor for bearing capacity of subgrade;
γRE——adjustment factor for seismic capacity;
γf——additional partial factor for foundation.
2.2.4 Geometric parameters
AI——calculated wind pressure bearing area of insulator string;
AS——calculated projected area of wind pressure bearing part of member;
D——horizontal clearance between phase conductors;
Dp——horizontal projection clearance between conductors;
Dx——equivalent horizontal clearance between conductors arranged in triangular configuration;
Dz——vertical projection clearance between conductors;
d——conductor or earthwire diameter or the calculating diameter thereof when coated with ice;it shall be the sum of the outer diameters of all sub-conductors for bundle conductors;
fc——maximum sag of conductor;
H——altitude above sea level;
L——span length;
Lk——length of suspension insulator string;
Lol——geometric creepage distance of monolithic suspension insulator;
Lp——horizontal spanlength of towers;
S——clearance between conductor and earthwire;
θ——angle between the wind direction and direction of conductor or earthwire;
γk——characteristic value of geometric parameter.