VI. Guidance on Psychosocial Support
Question 29: How to provide psychosocial support for pregnant women?
(1) Mental health issues prone to occur during pregnancy: Because of fear over COVlD-19 and the ANC as well as hospital delivery and their health conditions impacted by the pandemic, pregnant women may be beset by worry, anxiety, fear, irritability and other negative emotions; they may develop symptoms of anorexia,nausea, vomiting, insomnia and dreaminess or see preexisting symptoms aggravated. Expectant mothers with suspected and confirmed COVlD-19, in particular, may deny infection of the disease and avoid examinations or treatments, while some may become overcautious and request examinations and medications repeatedly.Such situations require the attention of health workers for psychosocial and emotional support.
(2) Guidance on psychosocial support: Health workers shall prioritize early identification of and response to psychosocial issues, including screening of depression and anxiety as well as identification of strong physical and mental reactions in a crisis. Counsel pregnant women to:
1) Accept the current situation of the epidemic,obtain information from official sources, reduce exposure to COVlD-19 related information, and stabilize their emotions.
2) Turn off electronic devices before bedtime and do some relaxation exercises, such as meditation, breathing,listening to the music, etc., to ensure a good sleep.
3) Ensure regular meals and a good diet with balanced nutrition; keep regular exercise and a happy mood.
4) Devote their attention to an activity that they enjoy,such as listening to the music and reading, to enjoy life at the moment, establish daily routines and stabilize their states of mind.
5) Communicate and interact with their babies proactively, talking to the babies to enhance bonding as well as their emotional stability and cognitive adjustment.
6) Establish connections with the outside world,communicate more with their husbands, families, friends and colleagues, and seek support and assistance when necessary.
(3) Psychological counselling for pregnant women with suspected or confirmed infection: For pregnant women with suspected or confirmed infection, health workers need to establish a good doctor-patient relationship through active and empathic listening, and understand their concerns over the isolation environment and their own health conditions; inform them of the possible risks of the disease, the necessity and benefits of isolation and treatment as well as the possibility of recovery; and work in collaboration, with their understanding and compliance, for the best outcome.lt is equally important to encourage pregnant women to be self-motivated by recalling their past successes and strategies in coping with difficulties and challenges, to mobilize internal resources, promote positive emotions and enhance resilience.