In September 15-17th 2018, the National Academy of Innovation Strategy (NAIS), affiliated to the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) organized the Science &You International Conference in Beijing, in collaboration with the University of Lorraine. It is the first time that Science & You took place in China, in Asia and in non-French area. According to previous conferences and international standard of symposium, the organizer constructed international scientific committee and program committee in 2016, held committee meetings to discuss procedures and arrangements of the symposium, and finally held the whole conference successfully.
China has a long history and brilliant cultures of science. Simultaneously, with the rapid development of science and technology in modern context, our view on science has a bearing on the development of human beings and the prosperity of our society. CAST has been taking great efforts on promoting the culture of science, building related academic platform and improving international communication in this field. Thanks to the previous accumulation and working foundation, it is time to host a high level international academic conference, which helps to gather scholars in the field of culture of science for discussions in depth. Science & You originated from the University of Lorraine in France, one of most important centers of science in the world. Its first edition took place in Nancy (France) from 1st to 6th June 2015, and gathered 1000 attendees, 130 PhD students, and 10000 visitors of the general public. Science & You has been developing into an international brand in science culture field. Consequently, based on the common aim of internationalization, the platform was co-established.
Theme of this conference is Knowing, Sharing, Caring: New Insights for a Diverse World. The scientific committee of Science & You agrees that globalization rests upon diversity, including:
Science communication strategies and practices;
Contexts in which communication actions take place;
Publics at which is aimed science communication;
Questions, issues, responsibilities of science communicators as well as scientists;
Research in science of science communication, models, approaches, applications, impacts, reception, understanding etc.
In the proceeding, most of reported papers were collected in this book. The collection was divided into four sessions, which are:
1. Culture of Science in Public: Participation and Engagement;
2. Culture of Science in Media: Communication and Representation;
3. Culture of Science in Scientists and Their Community: Role and Ethos;
4. Culture of Science in Policy and Strategy: Governance and Legislation.
The aim of this collection is to provide a place of sharing, exchanges, discussions and debates, to acknowledge this diversity of contexts, publics, research, strategies and new insights, and to shape an environment conducive to decentering, and an opportunity for enrichment.
It is a splendid step but only the beginning of NAIS’s contribution on constructing the high-level international communication platform, as well as collaboration with oversea institutions to promote the culture of science in China. NAIS will make contributions to researches and communications in the field of culture of science continuously and find its own distinctive role in the global academic community.
REN Fujun
President of National Academy of Innovation Strategy, CAST