Unit 4 谢默斯·希尼在诺贝尔宴会上的演讲:荣耀的时刻
①Today's ceremonies and tonight's banquet have been mighty and memorable events.②Nobody who has shared in them will ever forget them, but for the laureates these celebrations have had a unique importance. ③Each of us has participated in a ritual, a rite of passage, a public drama which has been commensurate with the inner experience of winning a Nobel Prize. ④The slightly incredible condition we have lived in since the news of the prizes was announced a couple of weeks ago has now been rendered credible. ⑤The mysterious powers represented by the words Nobel Foundation and Swedish Academy have manifested themselves in friendly human form.
⑥For me, it has been a great joy and a great reassurance to come to Stockholm and to meet at every turn people of such grace, such intelligence and such good will. ⑦Which is another way of saying that the whole week has not only been ceremonially impressive: it has also felt emotionally true, and it is that sense of something personally trustworthy at the centre of the great event that I finally value most, and cherish and give you thanks for. ⑧It has helped more than anything else to bring home to me the reality of the great honor I have received.
Key words and phrases
memorable [ˈmemərəbl] a.难忘的
participate in参加
commensurate [kəˈmenʃərət] a.相等的
reassurance [ˌri:əˈʃʊərəns] n.使安心

译 今天的典礼和宴会举办得都很隆重,令人难以忘怀。
结构分析 本句话是为了引出下文,为下文作铺垫。

译 不管是谁,只要是参加了,谁也不会忘记,但对于获奖者来说,这些庆典有着特殊的意义。

译 我们每个人都参加过仪式庆典,其内心体验与获得诺贝尔奖的心情差不多。

译 自从几周前宣布获奖消息以来,我们从感觉些许不可思议转变为相信。

译 诺贝尔基金会和瑞典学院字里行间所代表的神秘力量,以友好的形式表现出来。

译 对我来说,来到斯德哥尔摩,能够到处遇见到优雅、智慧、善良的人们,我感到极大的喜悦和安慰。

译 这同时也说明,整个一周不仅典礼令人印象深刻,而且感觉也很真实,最让人珍视的是,处在如此盛大典礼的中央,我感受到的是信任,对此我很珍惜,在此向各位表示感谢。

译 能够把这项巨大的荣誉带回家,让我感到万分荣幸。